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                                    Image result for WEBSITE

    Many people around the world use website for different uses, including commercial activities, Social networks and other many uses. But in My article today will highlight well on what constitutes a website, why do we need to have a website, good and bad for the website uses. Also will highlight briefly how to prepare or have your own website,
    Briefly quite understand what it means to website:

    Web site, is a central location of various web pages that are all related and can be accessed by visiting the home page using a browser

    Or simply we can say Web site is a collection of various pages or World Wide Web (WWW) fileswritten in HTML markup language. For example 


    The World Wide Web is just a small part of the Internet as a whole

    What is a web address?

    A web address is a collection of pages on the web owned by an individual or organization.
    The first page of a website is the 

    Home page

    Every web page has a unique address. This is known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) it usually begins with ‘http://www: (http stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and tells a web browser that it is looking for a web page.)

    The internet relates to all the hardware and software involved, as well as including the WWW, also includes FTP, email and newsgroups.The WWW is basically the text and pictures that you can view using your web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Netscape Navigator

    But before accessing websites you needed to have Internet, you can’t access webpages from internet if you have no internet access. If you have an internet you can access webpages either by using your home computer or mobile phone for example smartphones.

    What is Internet?

    Internet comes from the word Internet working
    A connection of data processing nodes that are interconnected for the purpose of data communication 

    A communications in which the end instruments are computers

    In order to be connected in the internet you must have modem or Telephone line.

    The modem

      A modem and a telephone line are needed to prove internet access to one compute

    The modem changes compute signals into telephone signals and vice versa so that they can be sent from computer to compute over standard telephone lines. A modem can be fitted to your compute internally or externally. A single modem and telephone line cannot normally be shared by other compute.

    Telephone lines

    You need a telephone line to connect to the internet. The line can be an ordinary telephone line or an ISDN line.

    An ISDN (integrated services digital network) line is high-speed digital line. It does not need modem- other equipment is used instead- as it can transmit the compute signal without having to convert them into normal telephone analogue format. 

    Make sure you understand the following terminology!

    HTTP, URL, Hyperlink, ISP & FTP

    Because the Internet is made up of different networks and computers, the WWW need a common method for exchanging documents. He protocol-set of rules-that allows txt with built-in links (hypertext) to be transmitted from computer to computer is called the HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL, OR HTTP.
    World Wide Web dresses typically begin with the letters HTTP.

    URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

    IS the name suggests, provides a way to locate a resource on the web, the hypertext system that operates over the internet. The URL contains the name of the protocol to be used to access the resource and a resource name. The first part of a URL identifies what protocol to use. The second part identifies the IP address or domain name where the resource is located.

    A domain name always has two or more parts separated by dots

    For example, the domain name for

     IBM is "ibm.com

    The United Nations is "un.org.”

    The three-letter domain name suffix is known as a generic top-level domain

    It describes the type of organization

    The Structure of a Domain Name

    .com or co - business (commercial)

     .edu or ac - educational organization

           .org or or - non-profit organization 

     .mil - military

    .net - network provider

    .gov or go - government agency 

      In the last few years, the lines have somewhat blurred between these categories

    ISP (Internet service providers)

    To connect to the internet, you also need an account with an internet service provider (ISP). The account may be a subscription account or a free account.

    Free account:  do not require a subscription to be paid.

    When you open an account with an ISP, it supplies you with a Username, a Password and other details which enable you to connect to and use the Internet


    FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. As the name suggests, FTP is used to transfer files between computers on a network. You can use FTP to exchange files between computer accounts, transfer files between an account and a desktop computer, or access online software archives. Keep in mind, however, that many FTP sites are heavily used and require several attempts before connecting.

    Structure of a Web Address


    http  -  Protocal

    www -  Host Name

    technologyhomesite  - Domain Name

    com  -  Top Level Domain (TLD)


    Web Browser

    Web browsing applications include Internet Explorer (from Microsoft) and Netscape Navigator/Communicator

    A web browser is a software that allows you to view, navigate and interact with the World Wide Web.

    Currently the two most commonly used browsers are internet explorer, Netscape navigator and Mozira Firefox.

    Using hyperlinks

    Web pages have links (called hyperlinks) that you can click on to take you to other places within the current site or to other websites.

    Links can take the form of underlined text, text in a different color or they can be image links. When you hover over a link, a hand (usually) appears.

    What is a hyperlink?

    Hyperlink is simply part of the text (or graphics) on a Web page, that when clicked on will automatically:

    Take you to a different part of the same page

    Take you to a different page within the Web site

    Take you to a page in a different page in a different web site

    Enable you to download a file

    Launch an application, video or sound

    Browsing and favorites

    In this section you will practice and learn how to:

    ·        Browse a specific site and collect data

    ·        Open a hyperlink or an image link and return to the original page

    ·        Add a web page to favorites

    ·        Open a favorites web page

    Saving a list of your favorite web sites

    When you find a site that you would like to visit again, or a site that you visit often, it is a good idea to save the address of the site to make it easier to re-visit in the future. E.g. save the Natural History Museum site in your Favorites list.


    ·        With the home page of the site displayed, from the Favorites menu, select; Add to Favorites.

    ·        The Add Favorite dialogue box is displayed.

    ·        A default name already appears in the Name box. Change the name if you want to.

    ·        Click on: Add

    Creating favorites

    ·        Click on favorite button from the menu bar

    ·        Click Add to Favorites……      (Dialogue box appears)

    ·        Your website name will appear in the Name box (you can change it if you want)


    ·        You can do the following:

    ·        In the create in box, click the down arrow and choose the folder in which you can add your website


    ·        You can create a new folder by clicking a new folder button, type the folder name and then click create

    ·        Click Add


    ·        Click the Favorites Menu

    ·        Select the website name.


    ·        Click Favorites Menu

    ·        Select the Folder in which you have added your favorites

    ·        Click on the website name

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